Our innovative system allows school administrators and authorized system admins to conduct threat assessments on subjects-of-concern, such as students, employees, and other individuals exhibiting threatening behaviors. The proprietary system uses a quantitative algorithm and analyzes qualitative data to determine apparent threat-level of the subject-of-concern. The system is based on violence prevention research related to the Columbia Suicide-Severity Rating Scale, FBI and U.S. Secret Service. School-based teams have access to the TAP App Assessment tools that address Bullying, Harassment, Self-Harm, Abuse, Targeted Violence, Insider Threats, Outsider Threats, and Title IX Incidents. Comprehensive reports are securely archived but can be accessed by authorized managers for revisions and updates. The system allows for data analytics and the ability to develop customized individual threat management plans.
Digital threat, suicide, and behavioral assessment tool
Complies with legislative mandates
Customized reports for specific industries
Meets best practices
CLPS provides schools with a practical violence prevention and threat management program. The program includes training for school-based threat assessment teams and law enforcement, access to proprietary software solutions (TAP App Student, TAP App Safety, and Threat & Behavioral Assessment), and professional security consulting services. CLPS’ Threat Assessment HPTM program authorizes individuals that successfully complete the 8-hour course to deliver school-based threat assessment training.